Finally after a long doubt..
i decided to take the chance,,it will be my new experience then..
tulips over the window..
tulipen van wilma :) bedankt, wilma!
Conclusion..a halfway to go :)
Green tea-a soulmate in the morning-
cheer the morning up :)
I'm gonna take the challenge :)
.. unskilled shot ..
Monday, May 31, 2010
Posted by
8:34 AM
Labels: Groningen, Photography, story of the day
a lovely quoted love letter..
Re-post from my friend's status in FB
".....Mereka mengira aku lah kekasih yang baik bagimu sayang, tanpa mereka sadari, bahwa kaulah yang menjadikan aku kekasih yang baik. mana mungkin aku setia padahal memang kecenderunganku adalah mendua, tapi kau ajarkan aku kesetiaan, sehingga aku setia, kau ajarkan aku arti cinta, sehingga aku mampu mencintaimu seperti ini....."
This quoted sentence was cited from a love letter of our former president (Mr. Habibie) to his beloved wife.. Rumor has it, it was not originally written by himself. anyway, whoever wrote this, it's such deeply touchy phrases I have ever read.
*hope you understand thoroughly*
Posted by
12:21 AM
Labels: melancolic, short notes
Friday, April 30, 2010
Koninginnedag or Queen's day is the biggest festival in the Netherlands. On this day, Dutch people celebrate their queen's birthday. Queen Beatrix was born on 31 January, but she officially celebrates her birthday on her mother's (Queen Juliana)birthday,i.e 30 April. The reason is that she wants Dutch to celebrate it in Spring, instead of in winter. well, it is quite reasonable why she wants Dutch to celebrate her mother's birthday, since spring may bring joyful and cheerful atmosphere to have party in whole Netherlands.
What may you find when celebrating this day?
Here some snapshots tell you what's going on the Queen's day
Definitely, you'll see everything in orange. You may also find someone in an eye-cathy unique orange costume.
Party is everywhere..People hold a glass of beer in their hands while they're dancing, chatting, laughing.. and also ....
..They were drunk.. like this guy below..well, he still recognized a camera shot
Some attractions..
Playing ground and games for kids. This little cute boy are trying to punch a tomato to win a prize :)
Vrij markt (free Market). everyone can sell their second hand goods without paying tax.. you may find antiques, books, second hand clothes..yeaaay,,i love this!
Some Antiques..
Some old electronic stuffs
Second-hand books
Wewww!!!I found Bobo magazine in Dutch edition (i used to read this magazine when i was a little girl)..
Wayang golek was also for sale!
You can choose either your face is painted on a canvas.. or..
... your face becomes a canvas to be painted on :p
These are the ways Dutch celebrate their Queen's day..
Van Groningen, Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd Queen Beatrix..
Posted by
12:40 PM
Indah nya bunga yang ku petik dari Keukenhof
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sabtu, 24 April 2010 beberapa mahasiswa Indonesia di Groningen telah merencanakan sebuah perjalanan ke festival bunga yang diadakan setiap tahun di Belanda, Keukenhof. Kami menyewa bus untuk pergi bersama-sama, menyiapkan bekal untuk makan siang, bahkan snack untuk di perjalanan. benar-benar seperti piknik jaman sekolah dulu. Rencana yang matang sudah diatur sedemikian rupa, kami pun harus berkumpul di central station sebelum jam 7 pagi, karena bus akan berangkat tepat teng jam 7.
Malam sebelum nya saya pun menyalakan alarm handphone tepat jam 5, karena akan mengejar bus jam 6.10, dan janjian dengan teman se-dorm jam 6 di lantai dasar. Rencana tinggal lah rencana. Matahari sudah terang ketika saya bangun pagi. langsung saya loncat dari tempat tidur, melihat analog watch di handphone yang menunjukkan pukul 6.55.huaaaaaaa!!!! di layar handphone tertera ada lebih dari 10 miscall dari beberapa orang teman yang mencoba mencari dimana keberadaan ku, sms, bbm juga semua menanyakan apakah saya sudah bangun dan menyuruh untuk cepat datang ke central station, tempat kami berkumpul.
Saya hanya memiliki waktu lima menit untuk sampai ke central station, rasa nya tidak mungkin. Namun, saya bergegas untuk berangkat dan mengejar bus yang datang setiap setiap 20 menit. benar saja dugaanku, baru saja sampai di halte depan dorm,teman mengabarkan kalau bus sudah berangkat jam 7.10, sementara bus yang saya akan tumpangi datang pada pukul 7.17. Hancurlah semua rencana piknik hari itu.
"Baiklah, mungkin emang saya harus mengerjakan thesis buat ngejar deadline hari selasa meeting dengan supervisor" berkata dalam hati dan berusaha menghibur diri. Sesaat ketika saya ingin meninggalkan halte bus zonnelaan, beberapa orang teman yang tinggal di dorm yang saya menghampiri dan bertanya "do you wanna go to keukenhof?" uupps,, ko mereka tau?? mereka pun mau pergi ke sana dengan beberapa teman nya. Dan saya pun diajak bareng ke keukenhof. Jadilah saya ikut dengan mereka naik kereta hingga Leiden central station dan dilanjutkan dengan bus ke keukenhof.
Kalau dipikir-pikir beruntung banget saya bertemu dengan mereka (Thanks a bunch to: Sally, Lila, Janet, Salome, Norbu, Michelle, Gop, dan beberapa teman lainnya). Dan saya pun menikmati perjalanan dengan mereka. walaupun ada tragedi juga ditengah perjalanan kami. Salome tertinggal kereta di gronigen karena dia tiba-tiba pisah dari rombongan dan beli kopi. hmm, ada-ada saja memang. kami semua menunggu nya di utrecht central station sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke leiden. namun, ketika dy datang, entah ada angin apa dy memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan perjalanan dan memilih untuk berjalan-jalan sendiri di utrecht. well, that's your choice, nobody won't beg you to come with us if you're upset cause you were left behind.
Begitu pula yang terjadi kepada saya. melihat kejadian yang dialami salome. saya pun mengerti betapa teledor nya saya. Sepanjang perjalanan di kereta saya pun merenungkan kejadian pagi. itu merupakan keteledoran terbesar dalam hidup saya. seumur-umur kalo pun saya telat, ga pernah sampe segitu nya. tidak mungkin juga saya meminta mereka menunggu saya, karena memang saya terlambat cukup parah. Nobody won't wait for you if you were late!that's your fault. and I have to pay it costly. yes it is! gara-gara saya terlambat, untuk pergi ke keukenhof saya harus menambah tiket kereta dan bus. tidak hanya itu, saya pun harus menempuh perjalanan yang lebih lama dibandingkan dengan perjalanan menggunakan bus bersama rombongan PPI. Namun semua itu lebih berharga ketimbang saya hanya mengeram di kamar dengan rasa kesal karena terlambat dan ditinggal.
Sesampai nya di Keukenhof setelah kurang lebih 4 jam perjalanan, saya pun langsung terpana dengan bunga-bunga yang berwarna-warni dan ditata dengan cantik. seketika saya pun lupa dengan kejadian tadi pagi. yang berlalu biarlah berlalu, hanya cukup diambil pelajaran. Di tengah keramaian pengunjung (karena memang di hari itu akan ada parade bunga), akhir nya saya berkumpul juga dengan teman-teman Indonesia. makan-makan, ketawa-ketiwi, jalan-jalan, jeprat-jepret, bernarsis riaa..hehe. satu hal, ketika saya yakin dan niatkan ada jalan lain untuk pergi ke keukenhof, disitulah saya berkata dalam hati "yes i can make it!". namun saya percaya pula bahwa segala sesuatu ada yang merencanakan, yaitu Allah SWT. saya beruntung Allah SWT masih mengingatkan dan menegur saya untuk menata hidup yang lebih baik :)
Marching Band in the Flower Parade
A huge Flowers ride in the Parade
Me and flowers :)
Me, friends, and Flowers :)
I love this picture, an artistic angle shot :)
Posted by
2:06 AM
Beautiful surrounding of my dorm, captured from my lens..
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The weather is getting warmer here,,though the wind still blows coldly. well, at least it is not as freezing as couple months ago, when we got minus degrees Celsius. then, I'm thinking that it is now a good time to take more pictures as I have only few months living here (I hope so...). I captured some beautiful spots surrounding my dorm. Here they are..
Among those four pics,I love the first one. It was taken from my 3rd floor room. what a beautiful rainbow! I just immediately grabbed my cam and captured it. with a pouring-rain-effect on my window, it makes my photo become dramatic, doesn't it?
So,which one is your fave?
P.S. I wish I could take them all by Canon DSLR, hope to buy it someday,,huhuuu..Anybody wants to sell a good quality second-hand canon eos?
Posted by
1:04 PM
Labels: Netherlands, Photography, story of the day
Bloemen Markt
Friday, April 2, 2010
Here some pics from Bloemen Markt. This event is only held once a year for welcoming spring. in this year, it took place in 2nd April 2010. Actually Dutch -christian- also celebrated Good Friday on that day. It was really nice to refresh your eyes by seeing colorful flowers.
A cactus booth
Hollandischer Blumenkonig
a purple flower garden
beautiful orchid
Posted by
3:15 PM
Labels: Events, Festival, Groningen, Markt, Netherlands, Spring
Snorkling or Diving? I want both :p
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I got this picture from him having snorkling in Bunaken last weekend. Actually, How lucky! He had a chance to go there, one of beautiful diving areas in North of Sulawesi in my wish list.
Posted by
3:36 PM
Labels: Beach, Diving, Holiday, Island, Sea, Snorkling, Travelling
I Love Monday!!!
In the second day of daylight saving time I wake up earlier, not like as usual. at 6 am in the morning it was still dark. Couples month ago, I used to have a morning wake up above 8, since the sun usually rose late in winter. Now and then, One thing that I remembered, that some birds were singing beautifully forced me not to fall asleep again in my bed cover. Then I immediately stood up and did my pray. Afterward, I began my Monday by reading couples of Market and Competition handouts. I just couldn't believe myself that I had a beautiful start in the morning.
My mom always says, "If you have a good start in the morning, you will get a good day."
I believe it now, and that's what happened in my Monday :)
Fortunately, I felt very lucky on that day. unexpectedly I got a bonus from a butcher whom I always buy meat or chicken. His shop is the nearest and biggest Halal butchery nearby my dorm. He's so generous. I thought he felt so sympathetic seeing me alone waiting bus at the bus stop from his window. He called me, "come,,come,," then I crossed the road. in my mind I thought there was something left in his shop. well, it was not the case. He gave me a plastic of meat, the same as I just bought from him.
I don't look on what I got free. I do learn how to make someone happy will bring you a much more meaningful life. I do also learn that I should use my only limited time in my life to make other people happy :)
-Nazar Market-
Nieuwe Ebbingestraat 137, Groningen
Trough the two windows on the right, he saw me sitting at the bus stop alone waiting for the bus coming.
Posted by
3:08 PM
Labels: self-reminder, story of the day
Turkish Yoghurt Soup
Saturday, March 27, 2010
this is a kind of dishes from Turkey. my turkish dorm friend gave this what she called "yoghurt soup". she spelt it what-so-ever turkish name of this soup, but i could not remember what she said to me. she told me that her mom used to cook it when she was at home.
how does it taste?
honestly,,,,it's really really plain..since it made from yoghurt, the only flavor i can taste is plain yoghurt. that's all. even she told me that she put mint leaves in it, i could not taste it. when i tried my second spoon, I found rice in it..hmm,,,kind of unique soup.
well, thanks Melda for giving me a bowl of "yoghurt soup"
Posted by
12:07 PM
Labels: Cooking, Netherlands, story of the day, Traditional Dishes
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I have a new blog now. I dont know why, for me blogging in Blogger is ultimately more comfy that in Multiply. Couple days ago, I made a new blog in multiply but it was unfamiliar for me to write down a post there as well as to do some technical things, like improving its style.
I have been blogging since four years ago. However, I left my old blog for the latest two years, due to a confidential matter. Back in those years, I was really hate openning my blog since it reminded me with something that I wanted to throw away.I was too busy to distract myself with some other new things that challenged me to achieve a better life.
Here I am now!!it's a NEW's a NEW's a NEW's a NEW start..
Enjoy :)
P.S. a beautiful spring atmosphere inspires me to write again :) I love spring!!!
Posted by
3:37 PM